Dark sun setting. || red moon rising.


I will be respectful of your boundaries-thus, be respectful of mine.
I have a severe phobia of fungi and parasitic infections-if given a heads up first, I will be alright. Please do not press a topic such as that, or triggering topics, if I'm uncomfortable and say to stop.
You are as deserving of honesty and equal footing as I am-please do not attempt to Godmode, control, or otherwise OOCly force actions onto my character, or metagame. If it comes to such a trouble, I will likely speak to you beforehand about concerns, in the case of confusions or mistakes in communication.
This also goes for shipping-I love to write romance and otherwise, however it has to be based in actual character and interaction chemistry to pursue anything.
I am very, very unlikely to write smut with anyone unless I am comfortable with them-I usually have to establish a friendship first. I don't really do ERP without plot. I do like to joke about sexual things often, but please don't try to push me or my OCs into sexual situations if I say no.
I only write with individuals over 18.

Please know that IC does not equal OOC, and I hold that to others as well-my character might be intimidating and darker themed, but please know I'm literally just a small-pint homosexual IRL, and I always want to talk things out if they make you uncomfortable! If anything goes wrong or you have any inquiries about my character you can absolutely message or send me a /tell.
I don't mind darker themes and multiple types of RP, I'm open to most anything! Though, there are a few hard extremes I won't write such as sexually explicit assault themes and things similar-especially involving underage individuals.
If you are involved in actively writing sexually explicit things with underaged characters or individuals, please avoid.
I usually write in larger FC-based settings to get involved with people, however asking to write with me is always welcome! Please keep in mind, however, that I have many IRL limitations to my energy, and a rotating sleep schedule. I am always happy to, if needed, put a pin in an RP and pick it back up when we can both sit down to write, or shifting it to discord, but will not tolerate aggression or guilting on part of my real life intervening in writing.

.  OOC   .

Hi, I'm Scott/Icarus! I'm Australian, and somewhat shy in the game's RP scene, but otherwise still trying to be open and friendly!
I transferred over from WoW RP, and have been writing for 10+ years.
I happen to be disabled both physically and mentally, as well as being on the spectrum-thus, I tend to get a little bit overwhelmed and overloaded at times, and may have moments where I get lost or have to rest due to low energy.
Despite this, I have a passion for the possibilities that RP brings, and I love to see what people create, and how they interact with the creativity around them. I have successfully DMed and Co-DMed multiple small-scale campaigns for guilds and FCs over the years, and like to generate homebrew from interactions.
If I ask for VC when we are writing please know it's just because of my anxious nature, I tend to find it a bit easier to write sometimes if I'm vibing in chats with someone-but I will always take no for an answer!
I use Mare-you are welcome to ask for mine on discord, twitter, or tumblr-or to inquire about syncshell joining-I like to be in syncshells as it means I get to see others' characters as they do! Please do not talk to me about mods and Mare ingame, however, given it is an active risk, and I don't want either you or I at risk!



  COERTHAN LURKER.  Xe has been a phantom lurking the Coerthan border into the Shroud for around a decade-occasionally spotted within the forest, but more likely to be found in the snows, and within the catacombs.Rarely, they can be spotted amidst activities in the Palace of the Dead, or within the old ruins that lie beneath the Shroud-usually with xer likewise comrades.

  SCHOLARLY PURSUIT.  He has taken to studying tomes gifted his way-seeking knowing for sake of some unknown reason, hunting knowledge further and further back into the histories of Mhach and Amdapoor.Needless to say, their presence lurking around can cause quite a stir-especially when it involves Ishgardians.

  BUSINESS WELL DONE.  Their presence is not unknown to those who make business of making people disappear-or those who wish to speak with the disappeared and departed.He does spiritual and hunting work for fair trade-and is willing to barter for more than just coin; Though be warned, the further dead the individual is, and the further departed into the lifestream they are, the harder it will be to call up any remnants-and the heavier the cost will be.


  GOLDEN CALF, CRIMSON PUP.  Those involved with the Lambs of Dalamud in Coerthas scuffles may recognize this one-a child taken under the wing of a separated sect of the fanatics, that had branched away into any of the frosty ruins and catacombs that were not inhabited by dragons.At first a possible sacrifice, xer echo-and their abilities at manipulating the lifestream and talking with the leftover fragments of the dead-led to them becoming somewhat of an idolized medium for the cult, reaching to their own dead, as well as pulling information from victims to lure further people for their purposes.

  DANSE MACABRE.  Those who dabble in the necromantic arts or involve themselves in the rather questionable market to do with it have a good chance of knowing him-as his further pricey services are to do with the raising and keeping of undead, and binding souls into objects or corpses-voidsent or otherwise.This, of course, runs a steep cost-and a vow of silence. Should the individual intend to report them in, or stab them in the back after their fair deal as the object or returned loved one is 'not up to par' to one expecting the living, rather than a reanimated corpse, the bound item or body is bid to cut out their tongue-by it's own hand, another's, or the individual's own-and silence them.Unfortunately, more than one person has become an example of this, leaving a trail of horror behind xer.Due to their echo, Sacha has the ability to see and sense spirits, and the dead-if this is something you are curious about or wish to interact with, send me a /tell!

  MISSING HEIR.  Those of the leftover remnants of Orl tribe-or those who would remember them-can see clear signs of their heritage on him-as well as a number of tail-tip bones that have been embedded in the clasps and necklaces around xer throat.The child of one of the independent splitoffs, xer parents were lead for the khan of the eventually settled separate tribe-yet, even though they were separated from the main bodies of Orl travelling across Coerthan lands, they were slaughtered by a templar's blade all the same-and young Ganzaya was left hiding in the snow, until the sound of metal armour left-and the crunching of footsteps approached.


Long, wispy and pale, xer hair is often bound alongside their skull in tight braiding.
Cutting, slit-pupiled and gold, with fiery limbal rings separating iris aglow from black sclera.
Tall, sullen and broad-set, Sacha is very reminiscent of a panther-a slinking form scattered with sleek dark scales that cover most of their body, with his long tail split and stitched at the ends into four separations, bound in golden clasps, and tied at the split with a pale ribbon.
Towering above others, xe makes a striking figure-chitinous claws filed down on their fingertips, and when not clad in warm furs and leathers what seems to be healed autopsal scarring branching up their center sternum, and splitting beneath xer chest.
Sleek dark horns curve backwards from a scaled brow and cheekbones, and jut free from bound pale locks-bound with clasps that also line their throat with small-segmented bones confined within the metal. A pattern is tattooed into their forehead, faint ink against dark skin.


Oft dour and quiet, Sacha can come off as a very gloomy and uncaring individual; Though beneath it they are patient and sentimental, even if their methods of sentimentality are not as moral as most.
They mostly let the world around them wash over akin to a wave, and hold a necessity to remain only bothered by that which is few and far between-you've only one life to live, after all, why waste it on irritations?
Once sheltered, they now find themselves a quick positivity on new experiences, and lighten up quickly when given new things to talk about.
True Neutral
They possess a good number of survival skills-including hunting, skinning and foraging-as well as good defense with a blade. However their expertise comes in aetherial studies-specifically that of pulling and binding souls and aether from the lifestream via necromancy, with communicative aid of their echo.
Brendan Patricks/Orbeck of Vinheim, Dark Souls III